Me at Edzell Castle in Scotland, UK

Me at Edzell Castle in Scotland, UK
A friend and I traveled to Scotland and this is inside Edzell Castle.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I read an article on NBC's website ( about the differences between Romney and Santorum. I would like to say right now that I will be voting for Ron Paul! But, I am curious about these two GOP "front runners". As much as I like Ron Paul, unfortunately I do not know if he will make if through the election. So I figured that I should learn some facts about Romney and Santorum.

I am not sure how I feel about this article, to be honest. On one hand the author does a decent job of comparing the two candidates and how they talk to their audiences and handle the press. Santorum seems to connect better to his crowd and takes questions from the Associated Press after his speeches, where as Romney is more repetitive and "rehearsed" with his speeches and refuses to take questions after his speeches. And what questions he does take from the audience are prescreened and approved.

This article is not a hard hitting article by any means. It basically just gives an over view of who the men are and how they act in press situations. I won't say that I really liked the article but I do appreciate it. I think a lot of voters will vote based on the personal impression of the candidate. I, for one, am guilty of that. I liked Bush (don't judge me!) because I met him while he was Governor and he was very personable and nice. A lot nicer than Rick Perry, I'll have you know! Which I doubt that will come as much of a surprise to you. This article is relevant to me because it tells me that kind of information that I use to determine which candidate I will most likely follow. Which, to be honest, I hope I won't need this information and I can just vote for Ron Paul like I want to! But if not, its always nice to have a back up.

Differences between Romney and Santorum- by the Associated Press

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