Me at Edzell Castle in Scotland, UK

Me at Edzell Castle in Scotland, UK
A friend and I traveled to Scotland and this is inside Edzell Castle.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pleasantly Surprised

When I read the first couple of lines on Megan Prices editorial blog over Karl Rove Group Sees Obama's Personal DynamismAs Key Challenge In 2012 Election, I thought “oh great, another Obama supporter!” and I had a prejudice against what I thought would be in her editorial. But I was pleasantly surprised. Megan did say that a big key factor to her liking Obama is his “sparkling personality”, which I disagree with entirely because he freaks me out and I can barely stand to look at him! But I was surprised when she agreed that a candidates smile and personality is not enough to determine if he should be the president and that she wanted to learn more about Obama’s platform. That is what she chose Karl Rove Group Sees Obama’s Personal Dynamism As Key Challenge in 2012 Election to base her editorial over, and I respect that. I like to see that there are people out there who want to learn more about the people they are voting for and do not just base their decision off of looks. Candidates used to be chosen from their policies and platform and who would be the best candidate for our nation, but ever since Kennedy it seems that looks and personality play a bigger role and platform and policy has taken a back road. I believe that a voter needs to trust who they vote for and so in that way personality does play a key role, but I think that the candidate’s policies should definitely be the most important factor in voting. That is why I was pleasantly surprised with Megan’s editorial, even if we do have different opinions about Obama’s physical qualities. At least we are both trying to dig deeper and find out all that we can about the candidates so that we can make the best decision in this coming up election.

 To view Megan's entire blog click here

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